From this collection:
◦ Resting
◦ Heartfelt Appeal
◦ Victorian Architecture
From the Marjorie Walk collection:
Resting ◦ Heartfelt Appeal ◦ Victorian Architecture
With Edmund dead, pulled from the wreck,
the broken Hawk lost to the sea —
no one thought to leave a buoy
to show where Marjorie might be.
And everyone who could have found her,
Council, Police, the deadnought's crew
with teams of expert divers, all,
it seems, had something else to do.
The local rag set up a fund,
appealed for residents to comb
their wallets, purses, pay a diver,
find the wreck, bring Marjie home.
And contributions soon came in:
a florin, sixpence — all some had —
Gazette gave two pounds, and a tenner
came from Edmund Betts's dad.
Two weeks. At last enough to fund
a diver for a day to feel
his way around the wreck — but then
a floating girl is found off Deal.